
Posts Tagged ‘mission’

So, here we are, finally getting round to adding more to our Romans study after a good long while of selective forgetfulness. For this I apologise, much as been going on, as you will appreciate from toher posts here.


However, this apology made, let us get round to reading the scripture and deciphering yet another verse from Romans 12.


Rom 12:13      communicating to the necessities of the saints; given to hospitality.


Now, this verse is one which I had to read in many different versions in order to attempt to understand its meaning. In the KJV the translation is not particularly useful for a comprehensive understanding, but looking at the Greek words behind this translation helps a little. In simple terms, and from my simple understanding, this verse tells us that in amongst these other attitudes which we should have as a Christian, we should also be seeking to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, those who have faith like us, especially if they have need in their life. In all circumstances we should seek to pursue hospitality. Hospitality being the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.


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